Blog / Naming

A good name is like a one-word poem that everyone understands — 

The most successful brand names express an original and compelling thought. We have a distinguished track record of developing meaningful, memorable and lasting names for our clients through our strategic approach and creative brand naming process.

A name—whether for a product, service or company—bears a heavy burden.

It must convey a uniqueness about you or your offering. It must be memorable, and easy to say and spell. Those are the easy parts. It also has to connect emotionally with you, your employees and your customers, all of whom may have a different perspective on what makes a “good” brand name. Finally, you have to be able to own it, in your category or industry, maybe even internationally.

Our approach to brand naming strategy is designed to maximize your ability to agree on the right name. We do this by starting with what we want to say, and setting clear objective criteria that the name must satisfy – the story the name needs to tell, the tone you wish to set, and the functional conditions it needs to satisfy.

With clear naming objectives in place, we can develop ideas that respond in different ways. This process makes the process of creating, and choosing a name, more manageable, and with better results. As part of our brand naming strategy process, we explore multiple descriptive and evocative naming options, screening the most promising names, and presenting the best solutions.

A key to naming success is helping decision makers envision their brand name as it will exist in the real world. We bring names to life in ways that inspire buy in, and communication potential.

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